Art Guide

Build a Corporate Art Collection That Communicates Your Brand's Vision

Build a Corporate Art Collection That Communicates Your Brand's Vision

Strategically curating fine art to display in your company's office space conveys the sophistication and values of your organization. Incorporating investment-grade works into your environment makes a striking impression on employees, partners and clients. This comprehensive guide from Cohle Gallery provides insider tips on cultivating a corporate art collection that expresses your brand's vision while fostering inspiration.

Define Your Art Program Strategy and Focus

Thoughtfully planning your art program's focus is key to curating a cohesive collection aligned with your goals. Consider these steps when determining your vision:

Identify Specific Themes That Resonate with Your Values

Choosing subjects and ideas that reflect what your company prioritizes makes a strong statement. For example, an environmental company may acquire stunning photography centered on nature, conservation and sustainability. A tech firm can display graphics and paintings focused on innovation, connectivity and blending science with creative arts.

Take time to define themes your collection will convey about your brand's identity and priorities. The stories you tell through curated art define your culture.

Establish a Consistent Design Aesthetic

Your preferred aesthetic style will guide acquisitions. Formal corporate environments suit impressive realist oil paintings, while contemporary open offices may shine with abstract acrylics, prints or multimedia pieces. Consider minimalism, modernism, urban, traditional or postmodern styles depending on your goals.

Visit museums, collections and galleries in person or online to discover appealing styles and mediums. This narrows your focus when selecting additions.

Set a Realistic Art Acquisition Budget

Investment-grade fine art ranges dramatically in price. Know what you can spend annually to focus your search on pieces that deliver maximum impact while fitting your budget. Many companies allocate 1-2% of total building costs towards art purchases and make additions periodically.

Having clear budget parameters prevents disappointment and helps identify artists and sources that meet your quality and cost needs.

Engage an Art Consultant as Your Partner

An experienced art consultant becomes an invaluable partner in identifying and procuring works tailored for your industry, culture and budget. They leverage connections to source quality fine art from our gallery, private collections, artist estates and studios. Consultants also handle framing, lighting, display and installation.

Build a Collection That Communicates Your Values

With a strategy and budget in place, explore our gallery online or in person to discover works aligned with your vision. You don’t have to necessarily buy talents like Warhol and Pollock to make a striking collection, and instead discover and exhibit promising emerging artists. Commission local regional artists to showcase community commitment.

Your art consultant can advise you through each acquisition and display decision to help cultivate a collection that powerfully expresses your unique brand identity.


Acquiring Quality Art for Your Corporate Collection

With a creative advisor, identify the best sources to locate works tailored for your collection goals:

Cohle Gallery Online and In Our Paris Location

Our online collections allow you to browse thousands of works by over 100 international emerging and established artists across a spectrum of styles and mediums. Our Paris gallery location also provides a premier in-person fine art experience.

Private Individual Collections

We leverage our extensive networks to source directly from private collectors interested in selling select pieces from their personal collections that would make exciting corporate additions.

Artist Estates and Direct Commissions

We partner with prominent artists' estates to access select unavailable works. Our relationships with living artists also allow us to facilitate bespoke corporate commissions.

Secondary Auction Market

We possess connections at fine art auction houses that enable us to competitively acquire museum-quality work for clients when timely opportunities arise.

With an expert consultant guiding you, our gallery provides all the resources needed to procure fine art that brings your brand vision to life.

Display Your Collection for Maximum Impact

Once you've acquired art aligned with your goals, display it for dramatic effect:

Curate Visual Cohesion Through Color and Theme

Collect works unified by color, style, subject matter or other themes. For example, focus on monochromatic abstract expressionist canvases or still-lifes representing company attributes.

Spotlight Striking Works in Common Areas

Install visually commanding large statement pieces in high-traffic spaces like lobbies, reception areas and central collaborative zones. Use lighting to draw focus.

Add Layers with Smaller Pieces

Use more moderately sized works to decorate leadership offices, conference rooms and private work areas. This keeps displays dynamic across your entire office footprint.

Consider Wall Space and Room Use

Select and place art to enhance how spaces are used. An intimate meeting room calls for a different scale work than a sprawling corporate cafeteria.

Change Displays Regularly

Refresh your space and collection impact by subscribing to our art leasing service. Rotating displayed works keeps your environment engaging over time.

Frame and Illuminate Strategically

Choices in frame design and lighting shape viewer perception. Consider bold modern floating frames or sleek spotlights on focal artworks to capture attention.

Thoughtfully displayed collections demonstrate your commitment to inspired, sophisticated workplaces. For guidance on building or updating your art program, contact our gallery consultants.


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