Born in Paris in 1987, Ugo Li graduated from the prestigious School of Fine Arts in 2011. His deeply personal work draws inspiration from both monumental life events that have shaped his worldview and the minutiae of daily tasks that constitute his mundane reality. Li's paintings originate from fragmented images gleaned from newspapers, magazines, and other media, which he then transforms into a multilayered amalgam of dreams, memories, contemplations, and daily experiences through his unique artistic process. By channeling his stream of consciousness onto the canvas, Li creates works that interweave imagination and reality.

Ugo Li's canvases become a playground where he choreographs an improvised dance of vivacious forms, colors, and textures.

More information about the artist



Pictorial Improvisation: Ugo Li's Artistic Process

Ugo Li creates paintings that are rooted in improvisation and memory. Time is his ally as he lets the act of painting dictate his artistic process. His works are not strictly abstract or figurative, but rather a physical manifestation of experiences and memories accumulated. They capture both profound life events and mundane daily moments. His process involves layering the canvas with paint, then erasing, crossing out, and reworking until only a sliver of the initial marks remain. This quest results in paintings that are a dialogue between the artist and the medium.


Transforming Reality into Art

Ugo Li's artworks are an explosion of elements and colors that coalesce into new visual coherency. His canvases become a stage where an unplanned mechanics unfolds through associative motifs that continuously transform. He incorporates signs, words, and images that provide pictorial purpose rather than literal meaning. Removed from their original context, these graphic elements allow each viewer a unique interpretation.

Ugo Li draws inspiration from the saturation of colorful advertising in society. By isolating words and slogans on the canvas, he appropriates these visual symbols and reinterprets them. The canvas provides a space where he can project emotions by removing and repainting until satisfied.


Pictorial Improvisation: Ugo Li's Artistic Process

Ugo Li creates paintings that are rooted in improvisation and memory. Time is his ally as he lets the act of painting dictate his artistic process. His works are not strictly abstract or figurative, but rather a physical manifestation of experiences and memories accumulated. They capture both profound life events and mundane daily moments. His process involves layering the canvas with paint, then erasing, crossing out, and reworking until only a sliver of the initial marks remain. This quest results in paintings that are a dialogue between the artist and the medium.


Transforming Reality into Art

Ugo Li's artworks are an explosion of elements and colors that coalesce into new visual coherency. His canvases become a stage where an unplanned mechanics unfolds through associative motifs that continuously transform. He incorporates signs, words, and images that provide pictorial purpose rather than literal meaning. Removed from their original context, these graphic elements allow each viewer a unique interpretation.

Ugo Li draws inspiration from the saturation of colorful advertising in society. By isolating words and slogans on the canvas, he appropriates these visual symbols and reinterprets them. The canvas provides a space where he can project emotions by removing and repainting until satisfied.